Faith Script Tidbits – Episode 10

source: AURA

LOL, this picture has no relation to the omitted script at all but I really want to stick it in because it’s so humourous seeing them with the same pose in this scene and I just love the aunt—nephew relationship to bits.

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Vangsweetie’s Favourite Scene

Alright. I am going to attempt to get out of my gutter land just for the time being It is very hard to talk properly now when I spend so many nights and days in gutterland.

My favorite scene from this drama is not just one but many. However, since I have to choose on one and elaborate on it, I will have to say it is the hand-warming scene. This scene, when I think back to season 1, was the one that made my heart go . To me, it was the very first time I saw the heart-felt warmth coming from both ES and CY in real form, where they are showing it physically instead of implying it this time. CY, although his emotions shines through his eyes so well, is shy to show his feelings in person to ES. ES, upon knowing the fact that CY is indeed the one that comes to her at no fail, begins to distance herself further from him than usual. This scene would not be the way it is if not for the ending of episode 11.

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Faith Recap: Episode 21

We did a second rewatch + recap after Faith finished airing and the biggest regrets I had was not saving the recaps written by the fellow Soompi Faithlings. The only one I have is episode 21 where Daejang proposes to Eun Soo in the most Daejang’s style. Choi Young is a man with few words and he’s definitely not one who could spout cheesy, cringy lines and that makes his proposal ever more so precious and sincere. Writer Song Ji Na mentioned in her Q&A that she spent all night thinking of the most suitable proposal lines for Choi Young and Song Ji Na is not Song Ji Na for no reason. The proposal suited to Daejang to a tee.

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The Ladies of Faith: Unsung Heroes

From the outset, Faith appeared to be a male-dominated drama; the very period it was set in signified that the male characters would logically be at the forefront of most events, whether it be political or military in nature. What becomes quickly apparent, however, is that the ladies of Faith are just as central to the story as the men, their delicate appearances belying their towering inner strength. Eun Soo, Noguk, Lady Choi, Hwa Soo In and even Mae Hee present a variety of characters with differing skill sets, the latter three of whom defy the traditional portrayal of women as physically weak. Although they may not all be equals to men in the arena of physical prowess, they are certainly their equals in intellect, charisma and inner strength, a point which is made frequently through their interactions with Gongmin, Choi Young and other male counterparts. This emphasis on male-female equality may be anachronistic, but it is certainly appreciated by a modern viewer.

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